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academic editing



I have edited the following academic projects:

+ PhD dissertations in: architectural education, architecture and anthropology, business, chemical engineering, communications, dentistry, economics, education, educational psychology, electrical and computer engineering, electrical engineering, finance, food science, geography, German literature, integrated studies in education, library science, linguistics, marketing, mechanical engineering, medicine, nursing, philosophy, political science, public health, rehabilitation science, sociology, software, engineering, speech therapy  

+ Masters theses in: air & space law, applied linguistics, architecture, bioethics, biology, business administration, communications, computer science, economics, education, electrical engineering, human resources, integrated studies in education, law, mechanical engineering, medicine, religion, social work, sociology, urban planning

+ Undergraduate term papers in: agriculture, architecture, biotechnology, business, chemistry, civil engineering, computer and electrical engineering, cultural studies, education, English, film studies, health studies, history, immunology and biology, international development studies, neurobiology, neuroethics, nursing, philosophy, political science, psychology, political theory, psychology, religious studies, rhetoric, science, sociolinguistics, sociology

+ Journal articles for: architecture, communications, economics, education, feminist studies, finance, history and law, law and aesthetics, library science, linguistics, management, management science, nursing, pediatrics, psychology, science, social science, social work, sociology

+ Application materials for: academic grants, computer science, dentistry school, family life education, Masters programs (applied mathematics, architecture, communications, economics, educational technology, linguistics, sociology, speech language pathology, political science, space studies, telecommunications), PhD programs (architecture, civil and environmental engineering, East Asian studies, education, finance, pharmacology and therapeutics, pharmacology and biotechnology, psychology), law school, MBA programs, medical fellowships, medical school (entrance and internship), teachers college, teaching positions, neuroscience, nursing, post doctoral studies, professional development program, project management

+ Book chapters

+ Conference papers

+ Curriculum Vitae and cover letters 

+ Editing for translators   





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